New Administrator Academy

The MAASE New Administrator Academy (NAA) brings together a small cohort of new Special Education administrators and selected mentors for ongoing in-person and virtual professional learning opportunities. This academy enhances leadership skills and focuses on retaining talent by offering:

  • Mentoring
  • Seminars
  • Facilitated Discussion
  • Informal Dialogue
  • Skill/tool Application
  • Opportunities for Reflection

Full Cohort Overview

The application window will be open July 1st through August 30th, 2024. Candidates will be notified of acceptance into the program after all application materials are received, but no later than Sep. 6th.

All candidates will be expected to attend the bi-monthly MAASE 2-day events that consist of Professional Learning, Developing Leaders and the General Membership Meeting. The New Administrator Academy will be held in person on Wednesday afternoons during these events. 

Candidate Qualifications:

Program candidates must be current MAASE members in their first 3 years of work in a special education administrative role.

All candidates must complete the program application. Application to the NAA requires a commitment from the applicant’s district supervisor agreeing to the payment of registration fees for MAASE events, travel, and hotel costs, as well as assuring the applicant's release time to attend the identified monthly events.

No application submitted without the assurance form will be considered. 

Program Acceptance:

Program acceptance is not guaranteed. MAASE reserves the right to deny or defer any program applicants due to qualifications or space. Candidates who are accepted to the program will be notified via email after all application materials have been submitted, but no later than Sep. 6th.

Candidates who are accepted to the program are required to attend MAASE Summer Institute either at the ‘front’ end of the NAA year or at the ‘end’.

2024-25 NAA Calendar

2024-25 School Year Cohort Application

Supervisor Commitment Form


Interested in mentoring one of our New Administrator candidates? Complete the interest form below!

2024-25 Mentor Interest Form