Submit Your 2025 Summer Institute Session Proposal!
From Idea to Impact: Submit Your Summer Institute Session Proposal TODAY!
Are you ready to showcase your expertise, inspire colleagues, and contribute to this year’s Summer Institute? Our breakout session proposal window is NOW OPEN!
We’re calling on YOU to share your innovative practices, actionable tools, and thought-provoking insights to advance the field of special education! We know that organizing your ideas and submitting a proposal can sometimes feel overwhelming so we wanted to provide you with the tools and information for a successful submission. Copy these questions and tips into a document to draft your proposal and then it will be as easy as copy and paste!
Proposal Preparation
The submission form will include the following fields:
- Presenter Information
- Session Title - A concise and catchy title will grab our attendee’s attention
- Minimum of 3 Learning Outcomes - Make sure outcomes are clearly aligned with the session description
- Session Description (character limit: 3,000) - Highly rated proposals will include the following in their session description:
- Any specific target audience (e.g., Monitors, New Administrators, Supervisors of Low Incidence Programs, etc.) the session is geared towards, if applicable
- An identified current challenge in the field your session addresses
- Actionable tools or takeaways participants can immediately apply
- Unique or innovative aspects of your work
- Clear connection to MAASE Guiding Principles (specific principles will be entered in the next field)
- Connection to MAASE Guiding Principles
- Two Research Citations - Evidence to support the session's foundation in high-leverage or evidence-based practices
- Strategies Planned to Engage Adult Learners - Provide a simple list of any strategies you plan to use to ensure your session is interactive and impactful
- Connection to Possible Target Audiences - Select from this list of audiences your session might resonate with:
- Early Childhood
- Post-Secondary Transition
- Leadership Development
- Legal
- Compliance, General Supervision, and/or Technical Assistance
- Social/Emotional & Behavior (also FBAs/BIPs)
- Systems
- AAC or Assistive Technology
- Previous Experience Delivering this Content - Yes or No
- OPTIONAL Reason for Proposal Submission - Did a colleague encourage you? Have you received positive feedback on this session in the past? Seeing great success with something new and innovative? This is your place to tell us your “why”!
- OPTIONAL Question also Included for Sessions Potentially Eligible for Social Work CEs
Submissions are due on March 7th so don't delay in getting yours started! Your ideas and expertise will help us to shape an exceptional Summer Institute experience for all attendees!