Paraeducator Learning Series
The Paraeducator Train the Trainer Program is designed to address the critical shortage of skilled paraeducators in Michigan. This comprehensive learning equips Trainers with the confidence and clarity needed to effectively train paraeducators in the Paraeducator Bootcamp.
The Paraeducator Bootcamp Training, which includes asynchronous online modules and in person group sessions, is designed in alignment with the Council for Exceptional Children Paraeducator Core Competencies. Paraeducators will be provided the tools necessary to engage in self assessment of their skills related to the CEC Paraeducator Core Competencies.
The Train the Trainer Events are designed for professional staff members at ISDs and large school districts who have more than 50 paraeducators. These professional staff members are those who specialize in supporting inclusive practices in schools and who may already be doing training for paraeducators in their areas.
Once trained, Trainers will provide the Paraeducator Bootcamp Training which is designed for current paraeducators working in K-12 and early childhood settings at both the ISD and local district level. Paraeducators might work with students with IEPs, 504s, or in other areas of intervention. It is open and beneficial to those with varying levels of experience. The Paraeducator Bootcamp training can be provided regionally by individual ISDs and locally at larger districts who have Trainers.
Why get involved?
By becoming a Paraeducator Bootcamp Trainer, ISDs and larger local districts will be able to provide high quality professional learning to their paraeducators which is consistent with the Council for Exceptional Children Competencies and is consistent across the state of Michigan.
By participating in the Bootcamp, paraeducators will gain confidence and clarity in strategies to support all students. Participants will be better equipped to improve student learning outcomes, classroom management, and inclusive practices, leading to meaningful impact in schools across Michigan.
When does it happen?
There are several Train the Trainer dates available on the MAASE website. Beginning February 2025, MAASE will promote all regional and local Bootcamp offerings that are hosted throughout Michigan by the Trainers.
Where does it happen?
The Train the Trainer events are offered statewide and are in person. You can find these events here.
How do you get involved?
Individuals who are interested in becoming trainers of this work can register for the Paraeducator Train the Trainer Program through the MAASE website. Enrollment is open to professional staff members currently employed in schools and ISDs. For more information, visit the MAASE events page.
Program Cost
Train the Trainer cost: $300